I recently read an article in a magazine that said that separation/divorce can “take a toll” on one’s heart. The article was not on the topic of divorce, but instead was discussing heart disease in women. According to the author of the article, women going through a divorce are 60% more likely to develop heart disease that those that are happily married. It made me stop and think.
Obviously not everyone is or can be “happily married”. And unfortunately, divorce will always be a part of our society. But if you are in an unhappy marriage and just cannot make it work, there are things you can do to try to keep your stress level down, while dealing with divorce. As a Legal Document Assistant, I can assist you in preparing your documents for a divorce. My office is quiet and everything that we discuss is completely confidential. Call Court Forms Plus today to find out how we can help you in complete your divorce in the most peaceful way possible.
“We are not attorneys. We can only offer self-help services at your specific direction.”